Learn how to write a high-converting sales page

Learn the framework that helped create a 400% increase in conversions for one client

Do you want to learn how to write a  Sales Page  that gets… SALES?

I know there’s a lot of conflicting advice out there on how best to approach writing a sales page.

The one thing that’s absolutely fundamental to everything else (and NEEDS to come first) is your messaging.

When you get crystal clear on who you’re talking to…with a message that is EXACTLY something that person wants…you cannot fail.

Learn the process I used to write a sales page that got a 
400% Increase In Conversions

“And as a result of working with Cathy,  we signed up 125 members on our latest launch, usually we have 30.  So for me…it’s no coincidence that hiring Cathy to write the sales page made this difference.”

Get your hands on a sales page framework that teaches you …

  • How to write a high converting sales page

You’ll write about what you do with such clarity that you’ll easily convert your audience into clients.

  • A simple method to cut through the confusion

Writing a sales page for your new offer doesn’t need to be a long and frustrating experience.

I have broken down my process into a simple step-by-step formula that’s really easy to implement.

  • Ditch blank page syndrome forever

Learn how to have everything you need at your fingertips to write compelling, authoritative, engaging, and conversion-focused content

YES! You CAN write a sales page that turns lurkers into buyers (even if you hate writing ‘copy’)

Hi, I'm Cathy

Copywriting is a mix of art and science, and that sweet spot is truly my zone of genius.

I work with online businesses, primarily in the coaching and therapy spaces, and create conversion-focused copy for online funnels.

I’ve seen first-hand the impact great copy has on business revenue and sales.

And while sales are great, there are also less tangible benefits.

The confidence of knowing you’re connecting with your perfect people.

The joy of creating impact with your work because your words connect with your ideal soul-clients.

Hiring a copywriter comes with a price tag, and I wanted to create something to help those of you not in a position to outsource right now.

And so we have this Sales Page Intensive.

I’ll share the tips, the secrets, the ‘hacks’ I use to write compelling, creative, and conversion-focused copy.

Cathy delivers not only copy that reads like it was me who wrote it, but most importantly, Cathy’s copy converts very well and that’s what we all want, right? 

-Lenka Lutonska, Mindset & Business Coach

Here’s what we’re covering in the masterclass:

  • My Sales Copy Formula

This proven framework teaches you how to write a sales page that sells your programs, services and courses (no sleazy tactics in sight).

  • How to write a high converting sales page

This way you’ve been taught to think about your audience will burn out your creative energy (and probably miss the mark anyway).

I’ll show you another way that’s much easier (and gets your clients to write 80% of your copy for you).

  • A sneaky little trick for using copywriting templates

So that you don’t churn out boring words that sound like everyone else in your industry

  • Learn the 'upside-down' approach to writing your sales page.

You’ll write about what you do with such clarity that you’ll easily convert your audience into clients.

  • Learn a little-known way to position yourself as the expert in your space

When I do this for my clients, they get huge clarity for themselves – as well as more of their audience turning from lurkers into buyers

  • How to describe the transformations people make when working with you

This is extremely useful for you if you get results all the time, but struggle to articulate what they are.

My process is SO easy to follow, that one client wrote her sales page in only 24 hours!

Ready to learn the framework of a Sales Page That Sells?

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